tiistai 20. tammikuuta 2009

One Piece ja/and Dragonball

Aaagh I am gonna dieee!! I wanna have these cards! .. and the most see them bigger x_x.. aaah, My Zoro and Vegeta!!!~~
Voi Norichu, nuo kortit on meidän saatava!! <3<3 style="font-size:130%;">
Dragonball and One Piece are one of my favourite Animes at this time. I also watch and read, Grenadier, Ranma ½, Kitchen princess, love attack, monster princess, battle b-saman etc~

! Nihao There !


This is my very first blog that I am publishing. This is a school project actually, here I publish, pictures of me and my hobbies (also my friends if they let me ^^''). I try my best not to make this site boring, so colorfull pictures just might do it. I also can publish my AMV's and anime critics if I start watching or reading something new, and want you to know how great it is or how much it sucks x'3.
- Enjoy people, I promise that I will publish everyday something new! ^_^