perjantai 10. huhtikuuta 2009

What Does Zoro Do With His Free Time?

A Gift for my Finnish Zoro Chikurin<3<3
I think the first sketch looks horrible! x'DDD
Hope You guys like it!<9<9


maanantai 6. huhtikuuta 2009

Haluun kaikkiiin! Want to Them all!!

keskiviikko 1. huhtikuuta 2009

Being Rich Just Hurts

1. Being Rich Just Hurts
Photographer Christa Johansson, Make-up and line by me,in photo me.

We had little Rococoo photoshoots and I add here some of them that worked out pretty well x33 Too bad we didn't have much time.

perjantai 20. maaliskuuta 2009

The Little Matchgirl College - Pieni Tulitikkutyttö kollaasi

Tarina täällä:

Read The Story Here:

This is my school work where we had to photograph one story, novel or a book by some manipulation and feeling. This is what I came up with~enjoy

Walking by a street without shoes.

Sat down to lay back on wall.

Burnt the very first matchstick.

All the happiness the lights of little fire brought for her.
Her sweet grandmother.

Feeling the cold before death. Seeing how shadows come to take her place.
Thinking of her father for a while.

The shooting star. Tonight someone will die. Soul is living the body. She will be free in the heaven.

The death. She will never feel pain or hunger again.
She was found frozen next morning...


hope you liked it~

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Kommentoikaa, kiitos!<3

torstai 19. maaliskuuta 2009

The Best Fiance In The World

I have the best fiance in this dark world!!<9<9<9<9 I am sick now and everything felt dying, I got a pack from the post and it was from her and inside there were these two card packs!<9<9 zillion stickers and cards<3<3 She is so sweet, she bought them hiden from me from Ebay<9<9 Sillyyy! I just love her and I want you all to know it!<3

I LOVE HER!<3<3<3

lauantai 14. maaliskuuta 2009

Five Senses Of Cats

This is collage of 5 pictures that are telling of cats senses. I got my very first macro objective for my Nikon D700 systems camera. I tried it on cats and got an idea to make this pic. It's like the places that are sharp in the pics ARE the senses. Like when the nose is sharp it's the ''Sense of smell''.


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Thank you!

sunnuntai 8. maaliskuuta 2009

Zoro x Sanji

This is just so cuuute x33 I wish there will be made one of Goku and vegeta too! <3